Help Circus Mafia and Mind Magick Creations Fight Unconstitutional Laws In San Diego
Busking is a form of street performance that is protected by the 1st and 14th amendments of the constitution. Circus acts and busking sometimes go hand in hand. You might find some of your favorite circus performers busking for your entertainment/ money on the streets of San Diego. Sometimes though the police use out dated municipal codes to violate, buskers constitutional rights. We are trying to work with city officials to change the codes to actually reflect the rights of all forms of street performance. You might be wondering, "how can I help?" Sign AND share this petition:… Read these documents on our case against the city, and how they are violating our constitutional rights.…/fol…/0B3blFS0lcasIeUsyQUJFWllKSWs Write council man Chris Ward and ask him to help us change the laws to reflect our constitutional rights. Please include any information from the document that appl...